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Month: February 2017

22 Feb

Can I Get My Social Security Disability Case Expedited?

The Social Security disability process can be long and worrisome for a claimant. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration has provided six situations in which particular cases may be expedited. The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) designates these particular cases as “critical” and requires a faster processing of these claims. The 6 categories that follow are the types of “critical” situations that may result in your case being expedited: 1. Dire Need Case – Social security finds a dire need situation exists if the claimant lacks food, shelter, or medicine. Specifically, the claimant is without food and is unable to obtain food, the claimant lacks medicine or medical care and is unable to obtain it, or the claimant lacks shelter or is in imminent danger of lack of shelter (for example, without utilities, an eviction notice, a foreclosure lawsuit, homeless, etc.) 2. Terminal illness – If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness the Social Security Administration (SSA) will designate your case as critical…