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What Does Rear-Ended Mean? Nobody wants to be in a car accident. When they are minor they are a headache that interrupts your day and leaves you with the frustration of dealing with insurance companies and car repairs. When they are serious however they can lead to injuries, loss of being able to work, medical bills, or worse the loss of a loved one. There are many types of car accidents that a person could get into such as being T-boned or a head-on collision, but the most common type of car accident is being rear-ended. What is a rear-ended car accident? A rear-ended accident occurs when the vehicle from behind runs into the back of the vehicle in front of them. Rear-ended accidents happen for a number of reasons; weather conditions, malfunction of the vehicle, or the main culprit - distracted driving. Rear-ended car accidents can range from lightly bumping into the vehicle in front or seriously plowing into the back of the vehicle...