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Month: November 2022

30 Nov

What Does Head On Collision Mean? Understanding Car Accidents

Car accidents are terrible occurrences that can majorly impact a person's life. Depending on the type of car accident you are involved in you could be looking at anything from minor injuries to the tragic loss of life. One of the most severe types of car accidents is a head-on collision. What is a head-on collision? A head-on collision occurs when two vehicles moving in opposite directions run into each other. The forces that are created by two vehicles moving at high speed towards each other and then smashing into each other can have catastrophic consequences, usually causing severe injuries. What Causes Head-On Collisions? It would seem odd that two drivers that are moving in a forward direction wouldn't be able to see each other and get out of the way, especially compared to accidents like rear-ended, or T-bone accidents where one driver may not see the oncoming secondary vehicle in time to react. There are many reasons that two cars could end up in...