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Author: chris cloud

02 Oct

T-Bone Car Accident: What Happens During and After?

There are many different types of car accidents that a person could be involved in. Some are minor, such as fender benders, while others are quite serious and can lead to severe injuries. T-boned car accidents tend to be of a more serious nature. But what exactly is a T-boned car accident? What Does It Mean To Be T-Boned? A T-bone car accident, also known as a side-impact collision, occurs when one vehicle runs into another vehicle head-on into the side panels of the vehicle where the doors are found on either the driver or passenger side. In this type of accident, the two cars collide in a way that creates a T shape, hence the name T-boned. T-Boned At 30 MPH T-bone car accidents most frequently happen at intersections where one or sometimes both parties have entered the intersection illegally, and there isn’t enough time for the drivers to react and get out of each other’s way. In T-bone car accidents it is not...

30 May

What Causes Rollover Car Accidents?

What Is A Rollover Car Accident? A rollover car accident typically occurs when the vehicle involved in the accident strikes an object or other vehicle which causes it to lose control and affects the balance and stability of the vehicle causing it to tip over and roll. This is known as a tripping rollover accident. The other way that rollover car accidents occur is in a 'non-tripping' way. These types of accidents occur when the driver loses control of the vehicle and the car rolls due to driving off the road, turning too quickly, or avoiding an obstacle like a deer or other animal. Rollover car accidents can be end-over-end where the car flips bumper to bumper or they can barrel roll from driver to passenger side. No matter what type of rollover accident a person is part of the chances of sustaining a serious injury or being killed are higher than with other accident types. Although rollover accidents only account for 3% of car...

21 Mar

Who Is At Fault in Left Turn Car Accidents?

What Is A Left-Hand Car Accident? As the name suggests a left-turn car accident occurs when a person is attempting to make a left-hand turn typically at an intersection but it could be into their driveway or into a parking lot of some kind. The reason there are so many accidents involving people making left turns is that it puts the driver right into oncoming traffic to complete the turn. If there isn't enough time for them to complete the maneuver or the driver coming towards them disobeys a traffic law such as running a red light it can mean a serious accident and possibly severe injuries. It can be difficult to determine who is at fault when it comes to left-turn car accidents since the person who generally gets hit has entered the oncoming lane but it is not always that person's fault. If you have been injured in a left-turn car accident regardless of whether you were the person turning left or the...

30 Nov

What Does Head On Collision Mean? Understanding Car Accidents

Car accidents are terrible occurrences that can majorly impact a person's life. Depending on the type of car accident you are involved in you could be looking at anything from minor injuries to the tragic loss of life. One of the most severe types of car accidents is a head-on collision. What is a head-on collision? A head-on collision occurs when two vehicles moving in opposite directions run into each other. The forces that are created by two vehicles moving at high speed towards each other and then smashing into each other can have catastrophic consequences, usually causing severe injuries. What Causes Head-On Collisions? It would seem odd that two drivers that are moving in a forward direction wouldn't be able to see each other and get out of the way, especially compared to accidents like rear-ended, or T-bone accidents where one driver may not see the oncoming secondary vehicle in time to react. There are many reasons that two cars could end up in...

07 Jul

Central Florida Hit And Run Car Accident Lawyer Near You

When a driver is negligently operating a motor vehicle they can cause a lot of damage, and even wrongful death to other drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and even pedestrians. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for negligent drivers to make even more bad decisions after an accident, and that includes fleeing the scene after hitting another vehicle. This only adds insult to injury as the victims are left with no one to hold responsible, on top of medical debt, loss of wages, and emotional suffering.  After a hit and run car accident in Central Florida, victims are left without justice when they can’t identify the driver that caused their accident. Our hit and run accident attorneys at Cloud Law Firm not only represent hit and run victims, but also stand by them throughout all aspects of the case, including medical treatments, evidence collection, and much more. Our clients deserve to have the ability to recuperate fully and properly without having to deal with the stress and anxiety...

07 Jan

Who Is At Fault In Rear Ended Car Accidents?

What Does Rear-Ended Mean? Nobody wants to be in a car accident. When they are minor they are a headache that interrupts your day and leaves you with the frustration of dealing with insurance companies and car repairs. When they are serious however they can lead to injuries, loss of being able to work, medical bills, or worse the loss of a loved one. There are many types of car accidents that a person could get into such as being T-boned or a head-on collision, but the most common type of car accident is being rear-ended. What is a rear-ended car accident? A rear-ended accident occurs when the vehicle from behind runs into the back of the vehicle in front of them. Rear-ended accidents happen for a number of reasons; weather conditions, malfunction of the vehicle, or the main culprit - distracted driving. Rear-ended car accidents can range from lightly bumping into the vehicle in front or seriously plowing into the back of the vehicle...

28 Apr

How Much Work Do I Need To Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits

In order to determine your eligibility for Social Security Disability Benefits (SSD or SSDI), the Social Security Administration (SSA) will consider your work history, including the amount of your earnings, the number of years you worked, and how old you are when you became disabled. To be eligible for social security disability benefits you need social security “work credits” which you earn when you work at a job and pay Social Security taxes. The dollar amount of your earnings for Social security credits: The amount of earnings is important because you have to earn a certain dollar amount to get a credit of work. For 2017, SSA gives 1 credit for each $1,300.00 of earnings, up to the maximum of 4 credits per year ($5,200 for the year to earn the maximum 4 credits). The dollar amount it takes to earn one work credit is calculated on a yearly basis and the amount required is increased every year. For example, 2016 SSA gave 1 credit…

22 Feb

Can I Get My Social Security Disability Case Expedited?

The Social Security disability process can be long and worrisome for a claimant. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration has provided six situations in which particular cases may be expedited. The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) designates these particular cases as “critical” and requires a faster processing of these claims. The 6 categories that follow are the types of “critical” situations that may result in your case being expedited: 1. Dire Need Case – Social security finds a dire need situation exists if the claimant lacks food, shelter, or medicine. Specifically, the claimant is without food and is unable to obtain food, the claimant lacks medicine or medical care and is unable to obtain it, or the claimant lacks shelter or is in imminent danger of lack of shelter (for example, without utilities, an eviction notice, a foreclosure lawsuit, homeless, etc.) 2. Terminal illness – If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness the Social Security Administration (SSA) will designate your case as critical…