Common Types of Arthritis
Inflammation in the joints can show up in many forms. There are some versions of arthritis that are more common than others, however. Below are the two most common types of arthritis.
Osteoarthritis – The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis is caused by the slow wearing down of the protective cartilage between joints over time. There are many things that cause osteoarthritis including age, weight, genetics, joint injuries, bone deformities, and more. Once the damage is done to the cartilage it cannot be reversed and eventually bone will rub on bone as a person moves, causing significant pain and discomfort.
Rheumatoid, Psoriatic, or Other Autoimmune-Related – Autoimmune diseases affect the body when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy body tissues, thinking that it is battling a disease. In the case of arthritis, this causes painful swelling and stiffness, commonly in the joints, but can affect other body systems such as the skin, eyes, lungs, and heart as well. These types of arthritis can eventually lead to bone erosion causing joint deformity. The pain or deformations caused by rheumatoid and other autoimmune arthritis can make movement very difficult.
No matter which type of arthritis you might be suffering from there are a number of qualifying factors that must be taken into consideration when applying for social security disability benefits. It is not enough to be diagnosed with arthritis; it must be impacting a major joint such as a hip, knee, or ankle, and causing severe impairment. If you have arthritis and are trying to get SSDI coverage we recommend speaking with a disability benefits attorney near you.
Compensation Items Covered By Social Security Disability Benefits For Arthritis
Social Security disability benefits are meant to help alleviate day-to-day costs by acting as an income source when money cannot be earned through the traditional means of a job. But what about the other expenses that are incurred directly due to the disease? Medical bills, doctor’s appointments, and accommodations being made to your home to help you function, for example, a shower support bar, all cost money and these expenses can quickly add up. If you qualify for SSDI benefits then there is the possibility that you would also qualify for Medicare, a federal program designed to help with medical costs. There are a lot of stipulations and things to understand when it comes to applying for Medicare, such as a two-year five-month waiting period between the time you are officially declared disabled and the time that the Medicare benefits will begin to cover the costs of your medical expenses. An experienced disability benefits lawyer near you can help you work through all of this red tape and help you get the compensation you need as quickly as possible.
Contact The Cloud Law Firm In Florida If You are Suffering From Arthritis
If you are living with a musculoskeletal disability like arthritis that is significantly impacting your life and are looking to apply for social security disability benefits, or if you have applied and your claim has been denied please reach out to our firm. We have years of experience dealing with the complex and often frustrating social security claim process and we can help you. Contact us today for your free case consultation. 855-408-5100

We can also assist with the following musculoskeletal disabilities: