Musculoskeletal System Disorders
There are a number of different types of musculoskeletal system disorders that a person could suffer from but they all share the distinction that they affect a person’s muscles, bones, and joints. Musculoskeletal system disorders are very common and the chances of developing an MSD increases with age.
The symptoms of musculoskeletal system disorders can range in severity and include aches, swelling in joints, and pain. In more severe cases a musculoskeletal system disorder can affect a person’s day-to-day life making even simple tasks painful and difficult to complete.
For a musculoskeletal system disorder to qualify for social security disability benefits the circumstances of the pain have to fall within the acceptable guidelines laid out in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book. A person must have received a diagnosis of their MSD from a doctor and is currently receiving treatment. It must also be shown that their disability has lasted at least twelve months if not more and that the condition causes significant impairment from being able to work or do daily activities.