How A Hit And Run Conviction Alters Your Life
A hit and run conviction not only has legal consequences, but it also has life-altering consequences. This is because a hit and run conviction is serious and shows up on background checks, job applications, etc. When an individual is convicted of a felony hit and run offense, they will lose even more such as their right to own a firearm or deadly weapon, and further their educational opportunities.
The potential consequences of being convicted of leaving the scene of an accident or a hit and run in Florida can be incredibly serious. From legal consequences such as fines and community service to social and interpersonal ramifications such as loss of employment or child custody, a hit and run conviction can have life-altering significance. Some of the potentially lifelong impacts that may be overlooked while focusing on legal concerns include:
– Employment Opportunities – When an individual is convicted of a hit and run they may lose their job, or may not have the same employment opportunities as previously. This is because most job applications require individuals to list any criminal convictions they have. This can result in the application being tossed out, or not considered. It can also exclude the individual from applying for certain jobs they may want. For example, any job related to operating or driving vehicles will not accept any application that has a hit and run conviction on it.
– Housing – Landlords often do background checks on prospective tenants. Therefore anyone who has a hit and run conviction on their record will have a hard time finding a place to live due to most hit and run convictions being felonies. Landlords do not look kindly on felony convictions, as they have a duty to protect their other tenants.
– Immigration Status – The immigration status of an individual can be significantly affected by a hit and run conviction. Deportation, denial of citizenship, and denial of the right to enter or remain in the United States are possible penalties.
– Child Custody Agreements – When discussing child custody, the judge is required to consider the best interests of the child. The character and ability to provide and be a good parent are serious factors that are called into question in custody battles when the individual has a hit and run conviction.
– Voting – Any individual who has been convicted of a felony will lose their right to vote.
– Traveling – Some may not be able to ever experience their dream vacation if they are convicted of a criminal offense in Florida. Countries like Canada refuse entry to individuals who have been convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanor offenses.
– Reputation and Social Life – The reputation and social implications of a felony conviction can be severe. Friends and professional colleagues may not want to be associated with a convicted felon.